Previous Courses

RSM 250: Introduction to Marketing

Students receive an introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and methods of contemporary marketing. The course offers a comprehensive framework to develop successful marketing efforts and allows students to create a marketing plan. Specific topics examined: market research, consumer behaviour, segmentation, product policy, pricing, distribution, communications, sales, and direct marketing.

RSM 251: Marketing Management

This course employs the case method of instruction to develop the skills required of marketing managers. Students will learn to diagnose marketing problems and develop, present, and defend their recommendations. They will also gain experience analyzing marketing situations, identifying market opportunities, developing marketing strategies, and designing the marketing mix.

RSM 455: Pricing

Price setting is probably the most crucial of all marketing mix decisions. It involves an understanding of both supply-side factors (e.g. costs) and demand-side factors (e.g. consumer willingness to pay). While traditional approaches to pricing theory have revolved around an economic and financial framework, a broader and more pragmatic view entails a comprehensive understanding of the demand side; both at the level of individual customer values, and the more aggregate level of price sensitivities of the market. In this course, we will approach the pricing decision as an intersection of economic, strategic, and behavioural considerations.